Posthub’s Practical Mailing Data Support 

Here at Posthub, we offer a practical data service to save your business time and money with Mailsort. 

Before the campaign is printed, we review your campaign data and using the postcode of each recipient, look to create the relevant sortation for the items to be bagged and labelled for handover to Royal Mail.

To qualify for this service, at least 90% of the postcodes must be accurate. If your data does not qualify, we work with you to give best practice advice and required guidance for data cleansing services. 

Posthub Data Services

Posthub’s Consultative Mailing Data Support 

Direct mail is a data-driven media channel and the secure, responsible, and accurate use of that data is fundamental to the success of any postal campaign. 

Posthub offers data processing services, alongside our complete direct mail management. To ensure the whole direct mail campaign journey is managed smoothly, we offer both practical solutions for data and item sortation and full consultative advice for data management and data cleansing services.

Data support solutions

FREE Mailing Data Health Check

Posthub will screen your data to identify possible compliance issues. We will provide you with a FREE no-obligation report and you only pay for the services you require.

Enquire Now
Mail Data Terminology Details of Mail Data Service
POSTCODE ADDRESS FILE (PAF) The Royal Mail PAF is the most complete and up-to-date address database in the UK. The PAF file, contains over 30 million addresses, 1.8 million postcodes and has over 4,000 updates a day! To ensure the most accurate data for your campaigns, Posthub update PAF on a daily basis. 
DPS APPEND An accurate delivery point suffix is a building number or name ‘translated’ in a numerical and an alpha reference unique to that individual property. It forms part of a customer barcode for Mailmark mailings which provide price discounts. We can use the PAF file combined with DPS append to apply to a mailing file to support postal sortation requirements.
MOVERS Our data sources capture new residential or business location of moved individuals, transforming decayed records into renewed and valuable prospects, using the data source: NATIONAL CHANGE OF ADDRESS (NCOA) UPDATE
GONEAWAYS Our wide range of leading data sources can suppress or flag individuals or businesses known to have ‘gone away’ GONEAWAY SUPPRESSION FILE (GAS) NATIONAL CHANGE OF ADDRESS, (NCOA) SUPPRESS ABSOLUTE MOVERS BUSINESS SUPPRESSION FILE (BSF), BUSINESS CHANGES FILE (BCF)
DECEASED Our wide range of leading data sources can suppress or flag individuals that could cause their deceased loved ones unnecessary upset by receiving communications MORTASCREEN THE BEREAVEMENT REGISTER (TBR), DISCONNECT DECEASED NATIONAL CHANGE OF ADDRESS (NCOA) SUPPRESS DECEASED MPS DECEASED NATIONAL DECEASED REGISTER 
PREFERENCE SERVICES Identify people who have registered with the TPS, CTPS and MPS before contacting them in order to protect your brand reputation and reduce the risk of receiving costly legal fines.
OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION (OCR) Specific scanning software to allow mail to be machine sorted. Addresses must be printed in the right size and font to be read correctly by OCR standards.

Looking for Mail Management and Postal Services?

Speak to us today to see how we can help.

Here at Posthub, you will be allocated a personal Postal Manager. Speak to us to find out how we can help. 


Or let us give you some ideas on how we can help you drive your business forward.