Posthub can help your entertainment and leisure business communicate to your customers, with cost-effective postal campaigns.

Whether your Entertainment and Leisure organisations need is to send typical customer communication mail or more promotional advertising mail here in the UK or internationally, Posthub and your personal account manager are here to make the direct mail process simple.

Advertising mail for the Entertainment and Leisure industry can generate a number of commercial actions, boosting new customer acquisition as well as keeping your existing and loyal customers informed using a tangible medium posted to their homes.

Why do Entertainment and Leisure brands use Postal Campaigns?

Addressed mail (Direct Mail) is a powerful and tangible media format that can stand out on the doormat of your target audience’s homes. Addressed print advertising also has impressive targeting capabilities with the ability to target specific households and individuals of a specific audience segment. For the Entertainment and Leisure industry, this not only helps boost business but also offers a relatable way of connecting with your customers by engaging their senses with tangible media.

Entertainment and Leisure Mailing Campaign Examples:

  • Price Promotions or Loyalty Programs
  • Event Showcase Brochures or Booklets
  • Brand Awareness Leaflets or Postcards
  • Seasonal promotions & giveaways

Posthub’s Entertainment & Leisure Support

Posthub delivers hands-on consultative guidance for every stage of the Direct Mail Process. We are here to help manage the delivery of your items if you have already identified your data list and your campaign creativity or we can provide the necessary support to support data targeting or creative design.

Posthub is focused on providing solutions to support you and your business. With over a decade of experience in the industry, the Posthub team will seamlessly and confidently guide your mailing campaign through the postal journey from planning to delivery. Our client-focused experts will simplify the complexity of your data and mail requirements to give you the best experience.

Your business mailing campaigns will give your brand more direct sales opportunities which can broaden your audience opportunities outside of those that typically find your brand online.

Posthub's Mail Management and Mail Delivery Services 

Sorted Mail

For businesses sending high volumes of letters and mail items, you can enjoy the flexibility and expertise of Posthub's support. On hand to help with your data requirements, liaise with your print and production partners, or managing forecasting, consumable and collection requirements for your mailings. 

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Unsorted Mail

Pre-sorting large volumes of mail can be a hassle and take up too much time for businesses. We offer a range of unsorted mail services across the UK to suit your requirements, leaving you feeling confident that your mail is in good hands with a reliable and trusted supplier.

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Sending your direct mail items internationally has never been easier. Whatever the format of your letters and mail, we can help your addressed items reach any country worldwide. With the added control of the country by country invoicing, and on-hand personal account management.

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Make additional savings on your promotional campaign postage costs with adMail. adMail is ideal for businesses who send addressed Direct Mail items, promoting the sale or use of products or services or to encourage, contribute or support a cause.

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Partially Addressed Mail

A GDPR compliant form of direct mail. Partially addressed items are created and delivered without the use of personal data, delivered to units of c.15 homes (postcode).

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Unaddressed Mail

Doordrop media is a form of unaddressed advertising mail. It is a GDPR compliant way to increase brand awareness, customer engagement, acquisition or loyalty.

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Mail Data Services

Posthub offers mail data services including mailing sortation to data cleansing, to help your company get the most out of your marketing budget.

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Posthub provides consultative and hands-on support, for impactful direct marketing campaigns

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Benefits of Direct Mail for Entertainment and Leisure Companies and Brands

  • Tangibility

By delivering something physical to your audience your leisure brand and offering has a real opportunity to stand out and gain new customers, or improve customer loyalty.

Your delivered physical item can drive customers to take an action by engaging all their senses. This could be from the delivery of a promotional mailing  with your latest events and offers highlighted, a tailored and targeted message or something more bespoke and outside the typical print box.  

  • Audience Profiling

With direct mail, you can create distinct target groups by age, demographic or spend potential. For example, this could be reviewing segments propensity to buy or act-upon your message, based on their previous spending habits. The campaign message can then be tailored by target segments for messaging or price promotion.

  • Integrated Multi-Media Opportunity

Direct Mail plays an important role in the marketing mix. Integrating print media alongside your other online channels can dramatically improve response rates.

The geographical nature of targeting to an address and the recipient can create a strong base for cross-channel marketing with greater reach and more opportunities for brand engagement by driving customers online.

FREE Mailing Data Health Check

Posthub will screen your data to identify any possible compliance issues. We will provide you with a FREE no-obligation report and you only pay for the services you require

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Looking for Mail Management and Postal Services?

Speak to us today to see how we can help.

Here at Posthub, you will be allocated a personal Postal Manager. Speak to us to find out how we can help. 


Or let us give you some ideas on how we can help you drive your business forward.