DMA Annual Doordrop Report - 2021

October 2021

The DMA’s annual report on the state of door drops and their position in the wider marketing mix covers data from 2020. The annual report provides the most accurate estimate available of the volume and value of the door drop market, in the UK.

The year 2020 represented a tough time for a lot of businesses in the doordrop space and, on the whole, this was largely true across the advertising and marketing industry.

However, the figures show the important role doordrop media played by engaging and informing consumers during these challenging times.

The medium demonstrated its ability to respond instantly to urgent client briefs and was chosen as the HM Government’s preferred channel to communicate to every household in the UK.

This edition’s figures explore the 2020 calendar year, trended data from previous years, and additional insights from JICMAIL’s industry-standard audience measurement data.

Download the 2021’s Annual Door Drop Industry Report

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