Does Direct Mail Work?

October 2020

Direct Mail In Numbers

Direct Mail has been a powerful medium for centuries but the question is, in a new digital world, is the media still relevant? Here at Posthub, we believe it is and have scanned the most reputable industry statistic providers for the reasons why. 

The Power Of Mail In The Home

Direct Mail is a tangible and physical media meaning it can be touched, opened, read, smelt and even tasted! The possibilities of mail are truly endless. Take a look at some great creative print campaigns here.  

When a letter is picked up from the doormat, whether it be advertising mail or transactional, it is likely to be opened and engaged with. In fact, 94% of all advertising mail is processed in some way. That includes opening, reading, sorting, setting aside for later, displaying or putting in the usual place*.

That’s not all. As Direct Mail is physical advertising, it is also shared around and outside the home with family and friends. Every 1000 pieces of ad mail sent will receive 5000 ad impressions and been seen by a further 150 people* effectively increasing your reach for free.

Mail in the home statistics 

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of Direct Mail stays in the home >4 weeks

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searched online for more information after receiving DM

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of Direct Mail is shared with another person

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12 Minutes

per day UK adults spend (average) looking at Mail

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4 Times

average time Direct Mail is read and re-read

The Power Of Mail In The Mind

Mail has a powerful presence in the human mind and there has been a lot of research on the topic. For example, Neuro-Insight data shows that mail has a powerful impact on long term memory encoding, 49% stronger than email and 35% stronger than social media in fact*. This is crucial information for marketers and agencies, as it has been shown to influence purchase intent.

This is further backed by UK opt-in statistics with 62% of UK adults happy to receive advertising mail in the home. Not only that, but 87% of UK consumers trust mail and find the information they receive to be believable.

Mail in the mind statistics

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advertising impressions for every 1000 pieces sent

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of people say they give their full attention to Mail

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stronger impact on long term memory vs. Email

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stronger impact on long term memory vs.Social Media

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times a person interacts, with a piece of Direct Mail

Direct Mail Drives Action 

Direct Mail can be seen as more of an awareness building medium but stats show great response rates for many different advertisers across multiple industries. Take a look at some of our case studies to see how advertising mail has helped drive new customer acquisition.

Recent research also shows the true power of advertising mail when it comes to increasing conversion rates. A huge 25%* of direct mail receivers in the UK made a purchase or donation as a direct result from reading the ad mail piece. Direct mail also drives online actions supporting eCommerce businesses with 42%* of receivers searching for more information online.

Mail driving action statistics 

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of Direct Mail is read, looked or glanced at

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made a commercial action, as a result of receipt

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of Direct Mail is put aside, to look at later

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is passed on to someone else, or is left out for addressee

Direct Mail From The Experts 

Posthub, part of the Whistl Group are experts in all aspects of advertising mail. We provide your business or clients a professional, end to end Direct Mail service from initial brief to final delivery.

Get in touch today

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