Whistl maintains its CDP status for engaging its suppliers on climate change

March 2021

For the second year in a row, Whistl has maintained its status as a global leader for engaging with its suppliers on climate change. Whistl has been assessed by CDP, who runs the global environmental disclosure system. Each year CDP supports thousands of companies, cities, and regions to measure and manage their risks and opportunities on climate change, water security, and deforestation.

Whistl has once again been recognized by CDP for its actions and strategies taken and planned to reduce emissions and manage climate risks, both directly within Whistl, and also within its supply chains in the past reporting year.

Over 9600 companies were assessed in 2020 by CDP. The assessment is based on answers to selected questions about governance, targets, scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement of their response to the CDP climate change questionnaire. Their overall CDP climate change score is also considered. Whistl is one of 396 companies on the CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard this year.

Within the company, the main causes of C02 emissions arise from their commercial fleet.  Whistl invests annually in their vans and bulk fleet to boost fuel efficiencies and cut emissions. Other initiatives include investment in Transport Management Systems and telematics across the entire fleet to monitor and review mileage, collections and to embed more efficient driving techniques into the teams’ operations.

The Supplier Engagement Leaders are paving the way. Now is the time for all businesses to join them, to emulate best practices,s and spark a cascade of environmental action. Actors at each stage of the value chain must, in turn, encourage the companies whose goods and services they are using to engage on environmental issues.

The Global Head at CDP Supply Chain, Sonya Bhonsle

Congratulations to all the companies on the CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard this year. They are showing leadership in engaging their suppliers to manage climate risk and cut emissions.

To learn more about the other companies that are recognised by CDP click here.

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